1. Today I'm seeing my childhood best friend that I haven't seen since...well, childhood!
2. I've got a ton of flashcards to study for my food midterm next Thursday.
3. This is my first time ever using flashcards.
4. If you ever need to study about starches and eggs, give me a call. I know a girl that makes some pretty sweet flashcards. ;)
5. I've been saving this sucker ever since I found out they were discontinued...and chose today as the day to eat it. RIP Cinnamon Roll (once and for all).
And this is what happens when you type in 'Cinnamon Roll' in the search field on Larabar's website:
*sad face*
That's right...everyone turning into leprechauns.
7. The Weather Network let me down, yet again. It said 'severe thunderstorms' for yesterday evening and we didn't even get one drop of water. I would have really liked to see an intense storm, but instead, I got betrayed.
8. Ashley Judd's new show 'Missing' is friggen awesome. I had kinda planned to watch the pilot, but then thought I missed it (for some reason I thought it aired on Monday??), and then realized it was on last night when I was conveniently on the channel, so I watched it. I watched and loved. She kicks some serious ass. I guess it helps that I also am a huge Ashley Judd fan to begin with!
She's just so darn pretty!
9. Fact: my house was warmer than the temperature it's usually set at, all on its own. This is not only good for the heating bill, but means hello lulu wunder under crops...where have you been all my life?!
10. And finally, it's Friday, so that means...lots of studying this weekend. YAY! I'm sure your Friday means something much more satisfactory to you, but mine will be reliving those flashcards like it's my biz-nass.
I announce the winner of the Larabar giveaway tomorrow!!! I wonder who the lucky winner will be!!
Have a great weekend everyone. Hope it's warm where you are, because it suuuuure is for me today!
"everyone turning into leprechauns" hahah made my day