Especially since I've had my fair share of smoothie flops to know that you don't mess with something when you finally get it right.
I've tried adding the gross-tasting protein powder, hoping to mask it by fruit flavours, only for the protein powder to come out more pronounced.
I've made smoothies that more resemble a juice than a thick cold iced beverage. If I wanted juice, I'd drink juice!
I've done overkill on the fruits - sometimes simple is better.
As you can see, I don't take smoothie flops lightly. Waste of my precious frozen fruits and liquids! Which is more reason to keep a good thing going, if you got it!
Truth be told, this normally is my mentality, but I slightly strayed from my conservative smoothing-making self today. She would be so proud of herself for being brave, trying something new and not having it flop...yes, she being me.
Blackberry-Orange Splendid Smoothie

Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: Zippo!
Ingredients (1 serving)
- 3/4 cup mandarin orange kiju juice
- 1/2 cup frozen marion blackberries
- 2 tsp vanilla coconut milk yogurt
- 3/4 tsp maca powder
- 1 tsp ground flaxseed
- 1 30g scoop vega smoothie infusion
- handful of spinach
Combine all ingredients in your blender/vitamix/magic bullet and blend until smooth!
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I'm just so daring today that I even used my Starbucks mug that I purchased right after Christmas, and have not used once! I'm breaking old habits,
The thing I loved about this smoothie was you couldn't taste the protein powder, it wasn't overly watery, and it had the right amount of fruit in it! PLUS, it has the added bonus of greens in it from the spinach that you cannot even taste (not that I mind tasting the spinach, but the vegetables in smoothie skeptics!) I guess I have to be less conservative more often.
Side note: here's the protein powder and berries I used in this smoothie.
I pretty much inhaled this thing like I hadn't eaten in 5 years. This is rare for me with any smoothie, let alone a smoothie that I had just created on a whim. Just don't choke on the pieces of berries that did not get blended up, unless you have a Vitamix (hint hint, husband).
It's now time to make some much needed rutabaga fries and a try out a new quinoa dish. Hey, I didn't say I was conservative in all food areas!
Have a great Thursday wherever you are today!
PS - Stay tuned this weekend for a little treat coming your way!!!!
Woohoo way to switch it up! I've had a lotta smoothie flops too. This looks awesome.