Saturday, March 03, 2012

winter and wonderland do not mix

The 2 words I never want to hear in the same sentence: winter wonderland. In my opinion, they do not belong together. There is nothing wonderful about winter and it's definitely not a a wonderland. Whoever coined that term (apparently Felix Bernard did back in 1934...thanks a lot, Felix!), was seriously not living up in Canada enjoying the crazy strong cold winds blowing around.

To make matters worse - it was semi-warm yesterday. I just can't keep up with weather's mood swings. One minute you're tricked into thinking spring might come soon, and then the next you've turned into a hermit because you shudder just looking out the window! Someone put me on a plane to Florida asap. I don't even care right now if it means missing school...send the profs down, too!

I like to think that if I do block out that crappy outside, that it is actually nice out there...inspiration for my morning grapefruit today.

If I eat the grapefruit, then maybe I'll magically end up in Cuba or something. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. Unfortunately, when I went outside I was not only almost turned into a tumbleweed, but I was rudely awakened to how windy it actually was. Never underestimate your husband texting you saying, "it''s really windy out today!" Sometimes they do know what they're talking about ;).

The reason for the departure from my warm and cozy place, was to go workout. It's probably a good thing that I didn't just decide to stay in and eat everything in the cupboard continue doing homework, because this workout was a good one:

5 rounds for time of:
30 double under skips
20 walking lunges (using 25lb weight)
10 toes to bar (hanging from the bar, bring your toes up to touch your hands)

I successfully completed this in 16:04. The husband wasn't too far behind. The only reason I beat him by a bit was because, for some reason, I was actually doing double unders today. Any other time you catch me doing them (even just 2 in a row), I'd be there all day. I really needed them on my side today - especially since they were the ones with the highest number each round!

This workout was a bad combo (in a good way), because the more your rounds progressed, the more tired your arms got, which meant the slower they turned the skipping rope and the less double unders you accomplished. In my first round, I consecutively did 13 double unders in a row, but by round 5, it was down to like 5...thank you arms, and legs for nearly failing me!

I want to remember to bring the camera next time, so I can get some in action shots - even if they're not of me. That might actually be a better situation, because me in workout mode does not equal a pretty face! I like the idea of actually showing you where I do these torturous workouts, so you can see for yourself - plus, it's a pretty cool place (read: my husband works there, so I feel like I need to say this to make him feel special).

That's it. Now that I ventured out into the cold + wind, I'm ready to stay home now and if homework is so lucky, I might do some more of it.

Dinner plans for tonight are: portobello burgers, with sweet potatoes and green beans. I'm seriously so excited and kinda wish dinner was right now!

QUESTION: What's your Saturday agenda?

And sorry for the lack of pictures - my goal is to take a bazillion pics of tonight's din AND of tomorrow in general...stay tuned!!!